مرحبا بكم في my-easytransport.com
لانكاوي هي جزيرة أسطورية وسحرية تُعرف أيضًا باسم جواهر قدح. مع مجموعة من الجزر الاستوائية ذات الغابات الكثيفة والجبال والشواطئ ، فهي أول حديقة GEOPARK تصدق عليها اليونسكو في جنوب شرق آسيا. معظم الجزيرة غير مأهولة بالسكان ولكن القليل منها مخصص للسياحة بحيث يمكن للزوار الاستمتاع بجمال لانكاوي السحري وتقديره.
هناك العديد من جولات الجزر المتاحة. تتميز بمناطق غوص ممتازة بالإضافة إلى مجموعة واسعة من أنشطة الرياضات المائية ، وغالبًا ما تكون أفضل طريقة لتجربة عروض الجزيرة العديدة هي الانضمام إلى مجموعة سياحية. لذا ، إذا كنت تزور لانكاوي ، فتأكد من الانضمام إلى هذه الرحلات واستعادة ذكريات الوطن عن كل ما تقدمه الجزيرة وغير ذلك الكثير.
لذا تحقق من باقاتنا السياحية حتى لا تفوتك سحر جزيرة لانكاوي وجمالها طوال زيارتك

Small Medium Van Rental
الشاحنة الحديثة هي نوع من المركبات تستخدم لنقل البضائع أو الأشخاص (أكثر من 10 ركاب). جسم الشاحنة أطول من الكابينة والتعليق أعلى أيضًا بسبب سعة الوزن التصميمية لـ 15 راكبًا تتراوح بين 68 كجم إلى 91 كجم. هذا هو السبب في أن استخدام الشاحنة هو أكثر ملاءمة لحمل العديد من الأشخاص في نفس الوقت.
توفر الشاحنة ذات 14 مقعدًا مزيجًا رائعًا من التصميم اللافت للنظر والحضور الواضح. تشكيلة فان ذات 16 مقعدًا تترك كل المساحة المتبقية للشحن. يمتد فوق تجاويف الخطوة مما يسمح بمساحة شحن أكبر وقدرة تحميل أكبر. تفتح الأبواب المنزلقة على نطاق أوسع لسهولة التحميل والتفريغ. صُممت الشاحنة ذات 14 مقعدًا لتناسب تمامًا أي حالة نقل تتطلبها أعمالك.

Medium Bus Rental
حجم الحافلة الصغيرة مناسب للسفر مع 25 شخصًا. يتوفر سائقونا ومركباتنا على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم ، 7 أيام في الأسبوع ، على مدار السنة ، اتصل بخدمة العملاء على مدار 24 ساعة للاستفسار أو قم بإجراء حجز سهل عبر الإنترنت للحجز الفوري.
My-Easytransport.Com هي أكبر شركة في ماليزيا لتأجير السيارات ، واستئجار الحافلات ، وتأجير الحافلات. خدماتنا معروفة داخل ماليزيا وخارجها. اتصل بنا الآن لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدمات تأجير السيارات ودليل الأسطول ومعدل السائق. نحن نوفر 25 حافلة صغيرة للتأجير الآن!

Big Bus Rental
44 Seater Coach مناسب للسفر لمسافات طويلة ويمكن أن يتسع لـ 44 شخصًا للسفر الجماعي. من المهم جدًا أن تحظى برحلة آمنة في وسيلة نقل مريحة مع سائق مدرب محترف للغاية.
My-Easytransport.com هي أكبر شركة في ماليزيا لتأجير السيارات والحافلات والحافلات. خدماتنا معروفة داخل ماليزيا وخارجها. اتصل بنا الآن لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدمات تأجير السيارات ودليل الأسطول ومعدل السائق. نحن نقدم خدمة تأجير 44 حافلات Seater Coach الآن ، لذا احجز عبر الإنترنت!
Rental Price With Driver
Destination | Price (RM) |
1 Day Rental | 1200 |
Transfer Rental | 750 |
Extra Per Hour Rental | 150 |
Destination | Price (RM) |
1 Day Rental | 1150 |
Transfer Rental | 650 |
Extra Per Hour Rental | 130 |
Destination | Price (RM) |
1 Day Rental | 950 |
Transfer Rental | 550 |
Extra Per Hour Rental | 100 |
اكتشف جمال لانكاوي بأناقة
سواء كنت مسافرًا إلى لانكاوي لقضاء عطلة سريعة أو إقامة أطول ، يمكنك أن تجعل رحلتك أقل إرهاقًا من خلال استئجار سائق خاص معنا. مع وجود العديد من شركات تأجير السيارات للاختيار من بينها ، فإن My-Easytransport.Com يجعل الأمر بسيطًا من خلال جلب كل ما تحتاجه لرحلة لا تُنسى معًا في مكان واحد. ما عليك سوى التخطيط لرحلتك معنا وسيأخذك سائقنا المحترف في جميع أنحاء الجزيرة مثل VIP.
تخطي الوسطاء ووسائل النقل العام باهظة الثمن لتأخذك في الأرجاء ، وبدلاً من ذلك يمكنك النزول من الطائرة وتجهيز كل شيء عند وصولك. لا مزيد من الكفاح من أجل الضغط على حقيبتك في حافلة مزدحمة أو محاطًا بغرباء يقدمون خدماتهم
Term & Condition
Term And Condition
All rates are quoted in MALAYSIA RINGGIT (MYR); except on the peak season where the agent are required to check with us unless otherwise stated. However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, which are over and beyond our control such as increase in transportation cost, admission fee, hotel rates, government tax, etc OUR COMPANY reserves the right to alter such applicable rates without prior notices.
Reservation and enquiries to be directed to company’s appointed agent. The fullest possible information is required in order to handle your reservations efficiently
Arrival / departure dates and flights details
Names of clients in fill with gender (Mr or Mrs/Miss) and I/C number
Rooming list with number / type of rooms and required
Guide requirements
A 100 % nonrefundable deposit of the total accommodation cost is required to confirm reservation of accommodation, any amendment, cancellation or number of person or room reduced make after booking is confirmed, a fee will be imposed.
All reservation requested must be confirmed by e-mail, a 50 % deposit is required for all confirmed tour package booking
All amendments or cancellation must be received and acknowledge in writing.
Hotels, restaurant, carriers, contractors or any other companies related to the services required, will charge cancellation fees on depending in the circumstances, if any such charges are levied by them, these charges will be billed to you
Within 15 days from date of travel 50 % of total tour price
Please ensure that you are in possession of a valid passport and visa. We will accept no responsibility and are not liable for any form of compensation if you are refused entry by immigration authorities of any country for whatever reasons. As every client is deemed to carry his own risk, please ensure that you have been covered by a comprehensive Holiday Travel Insurance.
COMPANY acts only as agent for transportation companies, hotels and other contractors and therefore does not accept any responsibility for:
- Any act of omission or default accident or irregularities that may be caused to person and or property.
- Any cancellation of journey, delays, failure to provide seats, berth and facilities for carrying or storing luggage and or failure to provide accommodation.
- OUR COMPANY reserves the right without being liable for any loss or damage to change the itinerary with or without notice and at its sole discretion if found to be in the best interest of all concerned.
- Only our drivers are permitted to drive the vehicles.
- We are not responsible for delays caused by adverse weather conditions, caused by strike action, acts of god or conflict or war.
- All luggage and personal effects are carried in the vehicle at the owner’s risk.
- We reserve the right to refuse travel to anyone deemed to be a nuisance or danger to our passengers or employees.
- The carrying or use of unregistered weapons, or any illegal drugs in our cars is totally forbidden.
- Smoking is forbidden in our vehicles.
- OUR COMPANY make every effort to supply top quality vehicles. However, should such vehicles are not available, we reserve the right to provide a similar standard or alternative vehicle.
- From time to time we reserve the right to use sub-contractors to complement our own workforce.
- We will hold liable any client who cause damage or are responsible for an act which results in the vehicle being unsuitable for hire at the end of a hire period. An example of this would be where a clean or valet of the interior of the vehicle is necessary.
- The client will be invoiced for all associated cleaning costs and any resulting canceled bookings.
- If for some reason you are unhappy with the service, you should, in the first instance, relay your concerns immediately to the driver, who will try to rectify the issue on the spot. If the matter hasn’t been resolved to your satisfaction, please email your complaint to us at customer.care@my-easytransport.com or SMS at +60182246616.
- Any breach of the above Terms and Conditions could result in termination of your hire agreement with OUR COMPANY – we will not refund your costs or pay compensation in such event.
All quotation by OUR COMPANY are subject to the terms and conditions stipulated above regardless or whether they are included in the quotation or otherwise, OUR COMPANY reserves the right to amend any of the conditions from time to time at its discretion.
- Rates quoted in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and subject to change without prior notice. The minimum rental charge is one day (24 hours period).
- only hirer or the person appointed by hirer in the rental contract is permitted to drive the vehicle and must hold a valid driving licence and be competent in proper driving manner procedure
- The rental rates include full indemnity for accidental damage to third party property and bodily injuries. However, in line with the commercial insurance practice, the customer is always responsible for an amount equivalent to the excess clause not exceed for Group A (RM2,000), Group B (RM5,000), Group C (RM10,000) and Group D (RM15,000).
- We offer the customer the option to waive the financial responsibility resulting from damage vehicle while it under rental agreement. This can be done by accepting the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) at the time of taking delivery of the vehicle on payment of 10% from rental rates. However, the customer is liable for a Non-Waiver able Damage Excess for Group A (RM1,000), Group B(RM2,500), C (RM5,000) and D (RM7,500).
- The insurance and CDW will not cover for damage due to negligence, tire punctures and burst tires, fuel errors, lack of electricity because of forgotten turned off electrical devices, loss or damage to the vehicle accessories.
- The customer is reminded that underbody and overhead damage is at their own risk at all time. All insurance is void if vehicles are driven on unsealed and unmade roads or surfaces.
- All parking fees or traffic fines incurred during the rental period will be the responsibility by the customer. Additional RM20 will be charge to the customer for every summons paid by our company
- In addition to the rent charges, the customer is required to have a cash deposit and an equivalent as a guarantee of proper usage of the vehicle for the entire duration of the contract, sum which will be reimbursed if no damage is notified on its delivery. Refundable in maximum 3 working days.
- The customer is responsible to return the vehicle for servicing and maintenance every 5000 Km, any damage to the vehicle due to late maintenance will be responsibility of the customer.
- The customer is responsible to pay monthly rental beginning on the date of delivery vehicles and thereafter on or before the date of the same generic each succeeding month. We reserve the right to terminate the rental agreement if the customer fails to make payment at the time specified.
- extra petrol is not refundable
- we are entitled to claim any damages in the event of any damages / accidents involving the vehicle within the above tenure period.
Group A
Below 1000ccGroup B
Between 1001cc to 1500ccGroup C
Between 1501cc to 2000ccGroup D
2001cc and Above
The customer needs to agree and accept all the terms and conditions without any objection before signing this agreement and agree that all clauses and statements are clear
- Jalan 1/27, Taman Setapak Jaya Baru, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
- admin@my-easytransport.com
- +60182246616
- +60182246616